We assist you to get your Digital Certificate in Malaga.
The FNMT Digital Private Individual Certificate is the electronic certification issued by FNMT-RCM to link the holder to a set of signature verification data and confirm his identity.
Also known as the Citizen’s or User’s Certificate, it is a digital document containing your personal details. It enables you to identify yourself online and share information with other people and bodies, safe in the knowledge that only you and your interlocutor are able to access that information.
Any Spanish or foreign citizen of legal age or an emancipated minor in possession of a National Identity Card (DNI), Residence Card (TIE) or Foreign Identification Number (NIE) may apply for and obtain a digital certificate free of charge to enable him to use his signature and prove his identity securely online.
There are three ways of obtaining a Digital Private Individual Certificate:
- As a file to download onto your PC. Obtain software certificate.
- As a file to download onto your Android device
- Using your e-National Identity Card (DNIe) or your FNMT Public Servant Certificate. Obtain certificate with DNIe.
At the link below, you will find information about some of the services available to you through Bodies and Entities. To access the secure websites, the certificate must be installed on the web browser you intend to use.
Yes, there are, as follows:
- Standard Citizen Certificate
- Self-employed Certificate
- Self-employed Collegiate CertificateCorporate Certificate
- Public Administration Offices Representative Certificate
- Certificate of legal representative
- Certificate of authorized representative
Please contact us and we will inform you about how to proceed.
Or you may directly book an appointment with us using our website.
What can I use the Digital Certificate in Malaga for?
With the Digital Private Individual Certificate, your paperwork with the Public Administration and Private Entities can be processed securely online. This includes:
- Filing of tax returns and payment of your tax bill
- Lodging appeals and claims
- Completion of census forms (population and housing)
- Registration on the electoral roll and consultations
- Queries regarding traffic fines
- Consultations and procedures regarding applications for grants
- Consultations regarding the designation of polling stations
- Administrative notifications
- Use of the electronic signature on official documents and forms

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What is a Cl@ve, then?
Please, NOTICE that the Digital Certificate is a more comprehensive identification method in Spain than Cl@ave.
Cl@ve is an identification, Authentication and Electronic signature service for citizens shared by the whole State Public Administration Sector, and based on the use of set keys, pursuant to provisions of article 13.2.c) of Law 11/2007, of 22 June, on electronic access of citizens to public services and pursuant to European Regulation 910/2014 on Electronic Identity and Signature.
The main novelty included in the Cl@ve system is the possibility it offers to carry out electronic signature by using centralised digital certificates, that is, digital certificates stored and kept in custody by the General Government.
Said centralised certificates or “cloud-based certificates” allow the citizen to sign electronic documents from any device with Internet connection and no additional equipment.
To use the centralised signature, it is necessary to have previously taken the following steps:
- Advanced-level registration in the Cl@ve system: the citizen provides data for registration with the system, either in person at an office before a public officer with the relevant authority or online, with prior identification of the citizen by means of a recognised digital certificate.
- Activation of Permanent Cl@ve; obtaining access credentials to the system by means of user identification key and password, which must be kept in custody by the citizen. The password will be valid for a limited period of time. Additionally, when the type of procedure requires so, the permanent Cl@ve identification modality may provide a higher guarantee level for authentication, by means of an additional security verification through a one time code (OTP “One Time Password”) sent to the user’s mobile device. The security requirements of the passwords for this system will be published on the Cl@ve site (
- Generation of signature certificate. This action may be carried out automatically when the first signature is carried out or at any other time required by the user.
All certificates necessary for centralised signature are issued and kept in custody by the Directorate General for Police. Said custody is carried out safely, so that only the owner of the certificate can access same. The IT Division of the Social Security (GISS) becomes a Trust and Confidence Service Provider, together with the DGP which is also a Signing Authority. The GISS remains in charge of keeping in custody backups of the certificates with the same level of security than the original file.
The issuance of the Certificate will be associated to the physical support of the document which has been used for registration in Cl@ve and which will be in case of Spanish citizens the National Identification Document, in case of Community foreigners the Union Citizen Registration Certificate, accompanied by the Passport or identification document of the country of the interested party and in case of foreign citizens, the Identity Card for foreign nationals. Expiration of said documents implies expiration of the associated certificates.
The copy of identification documents mentioned on this document due to deterioration, loss or theft does not necessarily imply revocation of the centralised certificates; those already issued with the original document will remain valid.